Sunday, August 24, 2008

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike....

I have just to weeks to go until I ride in the LOTOJA Bike Race. This ride starts in Logan, Utah and finishes in Jackson Hole, WY - actually in Teton Village outside of Jackson. This will be my third year doing the ride. I have opted for the relay again this year. So, I have one relay partner, Andy, to help split up the 206 mile ride with. I don't really think I ever want to ride the whole thing again like I did the first year! I will ride 92 miles this year, and Andy will ride 114 miles. I get a good chunk of hill climbing this time around, as well as the last leg of the race. We switch off at different feed zones, and will take two turns each out on the course.

For training, I went out yesterday and rode 75 miles. Here is a brief recap.....up at 4:50 AM...on my bike at 5:25 AM...jackrabbits....altercation with a police officer (our entire group was stopped for riding more than two abreast)...over a gallon of fluids consumed...peanut butter and jelly...over 3500 calories burned...In-N-Out Burger consumed for lunch after the ride! I'm one step closer to purchasing a new bike. I don't think I will get it before the race, but it is coming! Here is what it looks like though. It will make riding a whole new experience!!! I just haven't stomached the money leaving my bank account yet!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Do you wish you were there?

SO many people have asked if I wish I was in Beijing right now for the Olympics. (Because for those of you who don't know, I was at the Olympics in SLC and Athens to do massage!) My would have been a great opportunity to go, but I'm OK that I didn't go. My summer has been so busy that adding a trip to China would have really been tricky. However, I HAVE been watching at least part of the Olympic coverage every night. It is just amazing how talented these athletes are! They work SO hard and are so committed to their goals.

Do we have the same commitment to succeed in our endeavors? I attended a fireside last night and one small piece of it was about the fact that Believing is a choice we make. What do we believe in? What choices are we making to support our beliefs? The last question posed at the end of the fireside was, 'Do we believe we can succeed'? Think about it. There are so many facets to life. Do we believe that we can succeed? I do!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

There's no place like home!

So, I have been gone for the better part of 2 weeks, visiting Utah, Idaho, (a brief jaunt to Wyoming), and then to Colorado. I was in UT/ID to join my youngest sister, Kelli, as she went through the temple for the first time. It was great to be there with her, as well as with a lot of other family members.

This last weekend, we had a family reunion in Granby, Colorado, which is where my parents are living right now. We had a great time in Rocky Mountain National Park, which is where the firt two pictures are from. I was the lucky duck who got to put on the fur coat and sweet hat! We also went to a beautiful area called Monarch Lake. It was great! The family outing was a nice hike around a portion of the lake. It was really beautiful! Everyone had a great time! We are only hoping that the three youngest siblings who weren't there this weekend, can join us next year for our family reunion! I love being in the mountains! It is always so refreshing and therapeutic!

The other thing I love is being an Aunt! I had a great time with the nieces and nephews this weekend! They are so much fun! (third picture!)

Now, I am home for about 3.5 weeks before heading out to Utah again for my bike race! I love to travel but it is nice to be home and sleeping in my own bed again! :) Here are a few more pics from the weekend!

My dad and brothers ran around part of Monarch Lake while the others hiked! It was so beautiful!!!
More of my fun nieces and nephews - at the continental divide in RMNP!